Monday, December 28, 2015

Love and Support

I have to make a post and write down how grateful I am for the love and support we are feeling from so many people. After letting our news set in and take it in for a few days, and getting through Christmas, I publicly posted on Social Media about it. Within a few hours, we had over 100 friends and family members commenting and private messaging me to voice their love, support, and promising to pray for us and our son. Then, at church yesterday, many hugs and words of encouragement were offered. It truly means so much to us, and helps to strengthen us at such an overwhelming time. 

My sister in law (the one who also has an HLHS son) let me know about an organization called "Sisters by Heart". I contacted them, and they have already sent me a care package of items that will be useful to myself and the baby when he is born. Being that they rushed it out on Christmas week was amazing to me. I opened the box and cried as I looked at all of the items lovingly sent to us, many things handmade or donated by other heart mom's or grandma's. 

I have been put in contact with several other mom's who have walked this road before and are offering their experience and advise. I also have my best friend, who's baby has recently been release from a 4 month stay in the NICU, following her delivery at 24 weeks gestation. It isn't a pleasant way to relate, but since we can't help our situations, it is wonderful to have others to talk to about similar experiences.  

Right now we are in the process of researching and setting up appointments to find out more about facilities at Kosair Children's Hospital here in Louisville, and at Cincinnati Children's Hospital in Cincinnati, Ohio. Kosair is wonderful, and we have heard great things about them, however, Cincinatti is ranked #5 overall in the nation, and #7 specifically in pediatric cardiology. They have a specific cardiac NICU there for post surgery. 

It is so overwhelming trying to make all of these decisions. My mind is spinning all day long. But, I know that Heavenly Father is guiding us to all of the options and will help us make the right choices for our boy. 

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